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African Lion

Lions are the only truly social cat species, living in groups called prides. Males have manes, but females rule the family. They live in the African savannah, woodlands, and desert.


Animal Facts

Scientific Name

Panthera leo


Sub-Saharan Africa

Location in the Zoo

Across from black bears and tiger

Cool Animal Fact

A lion’s roar can be heard up to five miles away!

How We Help Save Them

  • The Zoo provides training, salaries, equipment, and support for people in Africa saving lions.
  • The Zoo provides support for Kenyan wildlife professionals to preform interventions to resolve human-lion conflicts and find solutions for humans to live alongside wild lions safely and peacefully.
  • The Zoo provides support for Mozambiquan wildlife professionals to track wild lion movement patterns to inform future protection plans for the species.

Lion-Saving Partners

Niassa Carnivore Project’s mission is to conserve lions and other large carnivores (leopards, spotted hyenas, and African wild dogs) in the vast NNR (16,000 ml2; 42,000 km2) in Mozambique. We work in collaboration with the Mozambican government, the Reserve Management Authority, and local communities. NNR is vital for global wildlife conservation efforts, particularly for lions and African wild dogs. Lions, in particular, are in crisis throughout Africa.

Donate to Niassa Carnivore Project:


Ewaso Lions is dedicated to conserving lions and other large carnivores by promoting coexistence between people and wildlife.

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