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cheetah walking outdoors through grass
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Cheetahs are the fastest land mammals, and can reach speeds of up to 70 mph over short distances. The cheetah faces many threats to its survival, including a high mortality rate for cubs, loss of habitat, a reduction of its prey base, conflict with livestock farmers, and a reduced ability to survive in parks and reserves due to the presence of larger predators.


Animal Facts

Scientific Name

Acinonyx jubatus


Savannah and grassland in eastern, western and southern Africa

Location in the Zoo

Next to lions, right before Masai giraffes

Cool Animal Fact

Their long black “tear marks” help reduce sunlight glare.

How We Help Save Them

  • We protect wild cheetahs by providing support for a program in Tanzania that trains domestic dogs to guard local community livestock protecting them from wild cheetahs and other predators.
  • We provide support for antipoaching work in Africa. African antipoaching scouts are hired from the local communities and trained to find traps set for wildlife and apprehend poachers.

How You Can Help

  • Visit the Zoo! Every time you visit the Houston Zoo, you help save animals in the wild.