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flock of chilean flamingos in water

Zoo Ball 2024

At Zoo Ball 2024 - Wings of Wonder presented by Phillips 66 we will celebrate the opening of the Houston Zoo's newest exhibit, Birds of the World. Join us as we honor Cathy and Joe Cleary and Cullen and Robert Muse for their leadership of our historic centennial campaign. The main event is sold out, but tickets to the After Party are still available!

6:00 p.m. to Midnight, Saturday, October 19, 2024

Purchase After Party Tickets
Presented by

Saturday, October 19, 2024


Cathy and Joe Cleary
Cullen and Robert Muse

Zoo Ball Co-Chairs

Jennifer and Chris Laporte
Anita O’Shaughnessy and Chris Laquer

Auction Chairs  

Courtney and Zac Harmon

After Party Chairs 

Victoria Villarreal and Arthur “Will” Brown III

Tables & Tickets

Grey Crowned Crane - $100,000 (Sold out!)

  • Two premium tables set for ten each with private waitstaff at Zoo Ball 2024
  • Premium wine and champagne service at your tables
  • Special place cards for your table guests
  • Lunch and private tour with Lee Ehmke, Houston Zoo President & CEO, and Kevin Hodge, VP of Animal Programs
  • Logo/name recognition in all Zoo Ball materials, on website and in emails promoting Zoo Ball
  • Special gift from an Ambassador Animal at each place setting for you and your guests
  • Name listing in the Zoo’s annual report
  • One Platinum Level membership in the Zoo’s Asante Society

Fair Market Value – $3,740

Chilean Flamingo - $50,000 (Sold out!)

  • One prominent table set for ten with private waitstaff at Zoo Ball 2024
  • Premium wine and champagne service at your table
  • Special place cards for your table guests
  • Logo/name recognition in all Zoo Ball materials, on website and in emails promoting Zoo Ball
  • Special gift from an Ambassador Animal at each place setting for you and your guests
  • One behind-the-scenes tour for up to six people
  • Name listing in the Zoo’s annual report
  • One Gold Level membership in the Zoo’s Asante Society

Fair Market Value – $2,590

Trumpeter Hornbill - $25,000 (Sold out!)

  • One prime table set for ten at Zoo Ball 2024
  • Premium wine and champagne for your table
  • Special place cards for your table guests
  • Logo/name recognition in all Zoo Ball materials, on website and in emails promoting Zoo Ball
  • Name listing in the Zoo’s annual report
  • One Gold Level membership in the Zoo’s Asante Society

Fair Market Value – $2,050

Painted Bunting - $15,000 (Sold out!)

  • One premier table set for ten at Zoo Ball 2024
  • Name recognition in all Zoo Ball materials and on Zoo website
  • Name listing in the Zoo’s annual report
  • One Silver Level membership in the Zoo’s Asante Society

Fair Market Value – $1,860

Scarlet Ibis - $10,000 (Sold out!)

  • One preferred table set for ten at Zoo Ball 2024
  • Name recognition in all Zoo Ball materials and on Zoo website
  • Name listing in the Zoo’s annual report
  • One Bronze Level membership in the Zoo’s Asante Society

Fair Market Value – $1,720

Eastern Bluebird- $1,250 (Single ticket) (Sold out!)

  • One reserved seat at Zoo Ball 2024
  • Name recognition in all Zoo Ball materials and on Zoo website

Fair Market Value – $162

Tickets and tables for the main event are sold out, but you can still get tickets to the Zoo Ball After Party!

Purchase After party tickets

Become a Sponsor

To commit to Zoo Ball with a pledge, please reach out to Ginger Moon at

If you wish to make a pledge payment, please contact

Sponsorship Opportunities

After Party Sponsorship - $25,000 (Sold!)

  • Logo and listing as Presenting Sponsorship on Zoo website and in emails promoting After Party
  • Name recognition when promoting the After Party on the Zoo’s social media channels.
  • Reserved seating for sixteen (16) at After Party
  • Sixteen (16) tickets to After Party
  • On-grounds signage at event space the night of After Party
  • A creative collaboration with your company on a signature cocktail to serve at the After Party

Benefit Value – $1,500

Entertainment Sponsorship - $15,000 (Sold!)

  • Name recognition as Entertainment Sponsor on Zoo website and in emails promoting After Party
  • Name recognition when promoting the After Party and entertainment on the Zoo’s social media channels
  • Two (2) tickets to Zoo Ball
  • On-grounds signage at event space the night of After Party

Benefit Value – $324

Valet Sponsorship - $15,000 (Sold!)

  • Name recognition as Valet Sponsor at Valet and in Zoo Ball digital program
  • Two (2) tickets to Zoo Ball

Benefit Value – $324

Golf Cart Sponsorship - $15,000 (Sold!)

  • Name recognition as Golf Cart Sponsor at guest pick-up location and in Zoo Ball digital program
  • Two (2) tickets to Zoo Ball

Benefit Value – $324

Silent Auction Sponsorship - $15,000

  • Name recognition as Silent Auction Sponsor on auction frames at Zoo Ball and in Zoo Ball materials
  • Two (2) tickets to Zoo Ball

Benefit Value – $324

Centerpiece Sponsorship - $15,000 (Sold!)

  • Name recognition as Centerpiece Sponsor on menu cards at each place setting at Zoo Ball and in Zoo Ball materials
  • Two (2) tickets to Zoo Ball

Benefit Value – $324

Bar and Beverage Napkin Sponsorship - $15,000

  • Name recognition as Bar and Beverage Napkin Sponsor on bar signage and beverage napkins at Zoo Ball and in Zoo Ball materials
  • Two (2) tickets to Zoo Ball

Benefit Value – $324

Hand Fans Sponsorship - $10,000 (Sold!)

  • Name recognition as Hand Fan Sponsor on fans at each place setting at Zoo Ball and in Zoo Ball materialsa

Zoo Ball Bag Sponsorship - $10,000

  • Name recognition as Zoo Ball Bag Sponsor on sustainable bag for all Zoo Ball guests and in Zoo Ball materials

Live Auction Sponsorship - $7,500

  • Name recognition as Live Auction Sponsor in Zoo Ball Program and shout-out by auctioneer

Shoe Valet Sponsorship - $5,000

  • Name recognition as Shoe Valet Sponsor at Zoo Ball and in Zoo Ball materials

Enrichment Wall Sponsorship - $5,000 (Sold!)

  • Name recognition as Enrichment Wall Sponsor on Enrichment Wall at Zoo Ball and in Zoo Ball materials

Photo Booth at After Party Sponsorship - $5,000 (Sold!)

  • Name recognition as Photo Booth Sponsor on digital photo frames at Zoo Ball After Party