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Camp Zoofari Handbook


Our online handbook contains information regarding camp policies and operations as they pertain to our campers and their families. It is the responsibility of the caregiver to take the time to read, understand, and seek clarification for any of the contents within this handbook. To set you and your camper(s) up for success, we highly encourage caregivers to include the camper in the reading of this handbook to give them the most realistic account of what to expect at camp.

This program is under the direction and supervision of the Conservation Education division of Houston Zoo. Our camp staff are members of the department with several years of experience working with and teaching students of all ages. Camp leadership is certified through American Red Cross with first aid, CPR, and AED certifications. All staff members pass a national background check, drug test, and complete training in behavior management, abuse recognition, animal information, curriculum, and team building.

This handbook is subject to updates. Please check frequently for any new, helpful information from the camp team.

Our Mission

At Camp Zoofari, we provide an immersive, hands-on learning experience for children at Houston Zoo. Guided by our passionate camp staff, we transform the Zoo into a dynamic classroom where each day offers unique opportunities for campers to connect with our animals, and the dedicated individuals working to save them. Our mission is to inspire and shape the wildlife-saving identities of our campers, fostering a deep appreciation for nature, and a commitment to conservation.

Important Contact Information

Education Office Phone: 713-533-6739
(Leadership during camp) Camp Cell Phone: (coming soon)
Camp Email:

If you have any general questions or concerns, please call the Education office at 713-533-6739.

Most Frequently Asked Topics

Camp is operated out of the Brown Education building located near Gate 8 in Parking Lot G. Gate 8 is located at the intersection of Parking Lot G and Hermann Park Drive, on the sidewalk beside the accessible parking spaces. Campers will be dropped off and picked up through Gate 8 for all camp-related activities.

We offer two options for drop off and pick up. You may choose to park and walk up to gate 8 or remain in your vehicle and utilize the car line.

For the car line, you must follow officer directions. You will be directed into parking lot G and will need to follow the perimeter of the lot. You will pass the main entrance of the Zoo, and will approach Gate 8, heading towards Hermann Drive. Campers will not enter or exit vehicles until they are in the loading and unloading zone along Hermann Park Drive.

During pick up, a staff member will be present to radio our camp team that you are in line for your camper. You will be directed by officers to pull into the loading and unloading zone along Hermann Park Drive, where our camp staff will verify your ID. Your child will be escorted to your vehicle for pick up.

Pro-Tips from the Camp Desk

  • If using the car line, please display the camper plaques emailed out on the right-hand side of your dashboard. Be ready to follow directions from staff and officers.
  • If queuing early for pick up, please do not block the entrance into or out of Parking Lot G. Please be aware that vehicles must be able to enter and exit accessible parking.
  • Parking for walk-up is easier in the morning, and to latter part of afternoon check-out.

Campers must bring their own lunch every day.

Lunches must be packed in a small lunch box, or disposable bag. Please take the following into consideration:

  • Clearly label your child’s lunch box with their first and last name.
  • Lunches are stored in a secure location within the BEC; however, refrigeration is not available.
  • Microwaves are unavailable for camper use.
  • We recommend that lunches contain non-perishable items or an ice pack to keep perishable items cool.
  • We ask that lunches be sent in a standard size lunch box so they can fit into the camper’s cubby or camp space comfortably.
  • Campers are not permitted to share any of their lunch items with other campers, even siblings.

Each camper will be given 2 snacks per day; snacks are individually packaged and may include dairy or egg products. Camp Zoofari is NOT a nut-free zone and snacks may have been packaged in a facility that also handles peanuts. Campers with allergies are encouraged to bring their own snacks and accommodation can be made for campers with allergies, or strong preferences. Please discuss any severe allergies with Camp Leadership and your child’s counselor(s). All allergies should be noted in the camper’s Regpack profile.

Campers should come to camp with a re-usable water bottle each day. Camp staff will make several stops a day to allow campers to fill their water bottles. We take hydration very seriously and ask you to help us by not filling your child’s water bottle with anything except water. If a water bottle is left at home, a loaner water bottle will be provided. By bringing reusable water bottles, you are actively helping save animals, like sea turtles, in the wild!

All registration form components, including health history and release forms, are required to be completed as part of the registration process. Failure to complete these required forms may cause a delay in your campers’ check-in process on the first day of camp.

Camp Zoofari has partnered with, an electronic registration system for programming. You will be able to complete your purchase and fill out required registration forms and releases electronically. Medical waivers and Medication Dispensing forms are embedded in your health forms and should be filled, signed, & uploaded to complete your profile.

Please note that supports the current and previous major releases of Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari, which provide improved security and performance for registration. If you have questions regarding, please contact us at

Camper Drop Off & Pick Up Policies

Monday Morning Check In


Step 1: Check-In
Camp staff will confirm we have received your registration forms. You will also verify the information provided on your Regpack profile is accurate as it relates to whom is authorized to pick up your child, besides the legal guardians stated on the camp profile.

A photo ID must be presented to the camp staff prior to a child being called and or released for pick up (this is in addition to plaques for car line users). Anyone attempting to pick a child up from camp not listed on the camper profile will be asked to wait while our staff places a phone call to the legal guardian to verify the request. This can take between 10 and 20 minutes to complete.

Step 2: Health Services Station
If your camper will need to take medication while at camp, or if your camper has any health or behavioral needs you would like to discuss with our staff, please visit the health station. Any medications taken at camp MUST be checked in at the health station (even if you are requesting it to be carried by the camper).

Some examples of questions we may ask include any changes to medications they are taking, current health status, any cold symptoms, or special medical needs. Health history summaries are confidential and remain with the counselors during the program. Campers (and their caregivers) may be required to visit the Health Services Station If:

  • They are checking prescribed medications. All medication needs to be in the original packaging with a prescription (if applicable)
  • They are checking in over-the-counter medications (OTC) must be in its original packaging with dosing information intact
  • Discussing any specific medical or behavioral concerns
  • Reviewing any health form information to ensure accuracy or to make any adjustments as needed

Step 3: Supply Station
Once campers have visited the Check-In station, and the Health Services station (if applicable), they can proceed to the supply station to receive:

  • 1 Camp shirt (additional shirts may be purchased through Regpack for $20)

Campers will be able to change into their camp shirt in the Brown Education Center (BEC) restrooms. These restrooms are off limits to parents and zoo staff. Please do not enter the restrooms during this time.

Step 4: Group Meeting
Camp staff will assist you in finding your campers’ group. At this time, you and your camper will meet their counselor(s) for the week and place their lunches in a cubby. The counselors will answer any questions they may have, and engage your camper in games and activities while they wait for the remainder of the group to be checked in.

Once your camper has met their counselor, we ask that you please exit the BEC so campers can start their day.

Late arrivals must call our Education Office at 713-533-6739 or the camp cell phone.

Monday Morning Drop Off

Caregivers may choose to park in the parking lot & queue along the sidewalk by Gate 8 for walk up or elect to use the car line.

The car line is a courtesy offered to expedite camper drop off and pick up procedures (due to the volume of campers in attendance, the car line can take up to 30 minutes to complete). We strongly recommend planning to arrive early or on time to lessen your waiting time. Drop off begins at 8:45 a.m. and pick up begins at 3:45 p.m. In the event you need to make changes to Regpack form information, check in medication, or speak with leadership, you MUST park your vehicle and check-in on foot.

Please note the parking lot, sidewalks, and Hermann Drive are the sole property of the City of Houston. Camp Zoofari is not allowed to block off the full flow of traffic to the public during any part of check-in or check-out. Police officers are requested to assist in directing traffic both in and out of the parking lot and car rider lanes. It is imperative that anyone using the car rider lane remain vigilant to pedestrian traffic, remains in their vehicle, does not attempt to circumvent the car line, and follows ALL directions of the police officers and Houston Zoo staff.

In the event of any close-call or incident, Camp Zoofari may suspend car rider line operations, requiring all campers to check-in on foot. Identified vehicles or individuals involved in such incidents may result in the ejection of the camper(s) from the program. Please note that no refunds or concessions will be provided in these cases, and daily camp operations will continue as scheduled.

Tuesday-Friday Drop-Off

For the remainder of the week (Tuesday-Friday), Campers should check in at Gate 8 at 8:45 a.m. for walk up, or along the designated car drop off zone.

Parents should assist their campers in applying sunscreen prior to check-in. Campers will again place their lunches in a cubby and their counselors will invite them into the mornings’ activities.

Parents are not required to go through the gates with their camper but are welcome to do so. All parents must exit gate 8 by 9:15 a.m.

Late Drop-Offs or Absences

If your child will be late or absent, please call the education office at 713-533-6739 or call/text the camp cell phone at (Coming soon) and leave a detailed message.

Unfortunately, missed days cannot be made up, or refunded. If you are arriving late (and have informed our team), please go to Gate 8 and let us know you have arrived. We will check your camper in, and escort them to their group.

Camp activities take place in every area of our Zoo, if you arrive late, or need to pick your camper up early, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to meet you immediately.

We will do our best to meet you in a timely manner. Please try to coordinate late drop-offs or early pick-ups with camp staff in advance.

Camper Pick-Up

Camp check-out is facilitated by the BEC. Parents may choose to park in the parking lot and walk up or enter the car rider line. Camp check-out will not begin until 3:45 p.m.

Photo ID is required to pick up any child from camp, and the information on the ID must match the information in Regpack. Camp leadership will call parents or guardians to verify any individual not listed on the Regpack profile. This can take between 10 and 20 minutes to complete. If you must make an adjustment to who is picking up your child, please call our office at 713-533-6739 or call/text the camp cell phone (Coming Soon) prior to check out.

If walking up, our camp leadership will be available to field questions and provide directions to your camper(s) spaces inside the BEC. Please form a line along the sidewalk facing Gate 8 and queue toward the main entrance of the zoo. You should not impede the flow of pedestrian traffic in or out of the zoo, and will remain in this line until 3:45 p.m., when Gate 8 opens for pick up. Please be prepared to have your ID ready when checking out your camper(s).

For those choosing to conduct pick up via the car line, you must remain in your vehicle, and you must never attempt to cut the line, or break the line to advance. Please ensure your camp plaques are displayed in your windshield or have them available on your phone. Our staff will approach your vehicle to read this information, and radio their camp groups to send them out of the BEC. Officers will signal your vehicle to proceed from the roadway onto Hermann Drive. Staff will notify you on where to stop your vehicle, where they will ask you to wait and assist your camper(s) in entering your vehicle. Once campers are in your vehicle, and once safe to do so, you may exit the loading zone and continue down Hermann Drive. This process may be adjusted during heavy rain or lightning to occur directly in front of the BEC.

Please do not break the line of cones at any time. Wait until the vehicle in front of you has moved or until directed by camp staff. Adhering to these car line safety instructions, as outlined in this handbook and on camp property, is crucial. Non-compliance may result in your camper being asked to leave the camp.

All campers must be picked up by 4:15 PM

Early Pick-Up

Camp Zoofari is an action-packed day, and we encourage all campers to attend for the full day.  If you need to pick up your camper early, we ask you to notify camp leadership ahead of time so that we can help facilitate an early pick up. Anyone picking up campers early will need to provide a photo ID matching the camper forms to pick up their camper.  All early pickups must take place prior to 3:00 p.m. All camp staff are preparing for camp dismissal from 3:00-3:45 p.m. so we are unable to accommodate any early pick-up requests during that time.

Extended Care not Available

Camp Zoofari does not accommodate early drop off opportunities for any of our camp programs. Please arrange to have your camper ready for drop off between the normal check-in times of 8:45 a.m. and 9:15 a.m. No exceptions to this will be made.

Camp Zoofari does not offer an extended care option. Campers who are not picked up by 4:15 p.m. will be charged $10 for the first 10 minutes and $5 per minute after that. If campers are repeatedly picked up late from camp, the camper may be ejected from the program. If the camper is ejected from the program, no refunds or concessions will be made, and the camp operation will continue forward as scheduled.

General Policies

Admission & Fees

Camp fees do not include admission into the Zoo before or after camp. Please note, Houston Zoo closes at 5:00 p.m. and does not allow guest entry after 4:00 p.m. If you wish to accompany your camper to the zoo, you will need to arrange an early pick-up, and purchase tickets for anyone entering the Zoo.

Campers will not have time to shop during the camp day. Please do not send your camper(s) with money to camp.

Reschedule, Cancellations & Rides

Rescheduling and Cancellations
Due to the high demand for camp spaces, all sales are considered final. Patrons who provide a written notice of cancellation to on or before May 1 will receive a 50% refund of their camp registration fees. No refunds will be issued after this date, including participants who miss all or partial programs due to illness. T-shirt purchases are not refundable.

Rescheduling a camp is contingent on program capacities and is not guaranteed. In the event space is not available to accommodate a reschedule, the cancellation policy above will apply.

Please contact our education office at 713-533-6739 for additional assistance or clarification.

The Houston Zoo reserves the right to cancel any program due to minimum enrollment, inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances, in which case a full refund will be issued. Cancellations are official upon receipt of confirmation from Houston Zoo.

Each camp group will have the opportunity to ride the Wildlife Carousel at least once during the camp week.

Campers must meet all height requirements to ride the Wildlife Carousel. Campers will not be allowed to ride any ride directly next to a park guest; they may only ride next to another camper or counselor. Camp staff will always be present on the ride with campers and will assist riders in finding suitable seating options. We do our best to schedule ride time for campers each week but scheduling conflicts as well as unforeseen circumstances (such as ride maintenance or weather) may prevent campers from riding. Campers who do not wish to ride a ride will stay with a counselor at the base of the ride participating in other games and/or activities.

Carousel Rules

  1. Campers over 42” tall may ride alone.
  2. Each camper under 42” tall must be accompanied by an adult, who will stand next to the child as he/she rides for safety.
  3. No food, drinks, or are allowed on the ride.
  4. Camper behavior may result in forfeiture of riding opportunities.

Camp Attire

The Camp T-shirt (issued at check in) should be worn daily. This shirt is easily identifiable for Camp and Zoo Staff and allows counselors to manage their groups more effectively.  Additional camp shirts will be available for purchase for $20 through Regpack. You may also contact our education office at 713-533-6739 for additional assistance. Campers are welcome to wear past years’ camp t-shirts as well.

Please dress your child in cool, comfortable play clothes and comfortable walking shoes (flipflops are not permitted). Campers will walk a lot throughout the day (1-3 miles) and will most likely get wet during some part of the week. We ask that all campers dress appropriately (e.g., shorts should be at least mid-thigh) and no offensive language or logos on clothing will be allowed.

The camp T-shirt and shorts must be always worn. Keep in mind, Texas is hot in the summertime; therefore, a hat and sunscreen are recommended. Campers should bring their reusable water bottles each day.

Recommended Attire:
An example of appropriate clothing for the summer camp environment may include dry-fit or athletic shorts, a camp T-shirt, comfortable tennis shoes & socks, and a baseball hat.

Non-Recommended Attire:
Clothing not suitable for the summer camp environment may include jeans, sweatpants, jackets and hoodies, new shoes, botts, or flip flops.

Lastly, consider the weather report. The campers will be outside for most of each day. If rain is predicted, please send a raincoat or poncho (no umbrellas).

Names should be on all personal items (e.g., lunch boxes, cameras, hats). Lost and found items will be taken to the Zoo’s lost and found at Guest Services on Monday’s following each camp session. If you do lose something at camp, tell a counselor as soon as possible or fill out a lost and found report at Lost and Found (

Camp Regulations

Camp Zoofari strictly enforces the following regulations. Violations may result in disciplinary action up to, and including removal or exclusion from certain activities, or removal from the camp program.

  1. Weapons are prohibited.
  2. Please do not bring any pets. This includes dogs, cats, hermit crabs, lizards, etc.
  3. Personal sports equipment, such as bats, balls, etc. are not allowed at camp. If sports equipment is to be used in any activity, it will be provided by the camp.
  4. Campers should always stay with their group.
  5. Campers are never permitted to ride in any vehicles unless accompanied by their parents or by a Camp Zoofari staff member. At no time are personal vehicles used to transport a camper. The likelihood of campers being transported by vehicle is extremely low.
  6. Stealing, lying, and cheating are intolerable under any circumstances. We do not tolerate disrespectful behavior toward other campers, zoo staff, or zoo guests. Put downs and bullying may result in dismissal from camp.
  7. Cell phones and tablets should not be used at camp. If a cell phone is brought for use after camp, it will be placed in the camper’s lunchbox throughout the camp day. This policy is to protect your campers, and their property. Camp Zoofari is not responsible for theft or damage to valuable items at camp. Please notify a counselor if a camper needs to carry a cell phone at camp and be open to the context for which it may be used.

Camper Friends

For campers to be placed in the same camp group, they must be of the same age group. You will have the opportunity to indicate if you would like your camper to be placed in the same group as a friend in the Regpack forms. We will do our best to place friends together, but it is not guaranteed. We will not accommodate the stringing of friend requests which could monopolize an entire group of friends in camp.

Please ensure this information is updated in your forms for each registration at Camp Zoofari.

Shopping & Staffing

Campers will not have an opportunity to shop during the camp week. Please do not send your child to camp with money for food or shopping. Parents wishing to purchase items from the Zoo Store should arrange to do so outside of the camp schedule. Admission or membership is required for entry and is not included with the purchase of a camp.

The Conservation Education division at Houston Zoo employs a staff of counselors who undergo a wide range of training sessions including group behavior and management, youth development, and animal information. All members of the camp leadership team possess American Red Cross CPR, First Aid, and AED certification, and all staff must bass a criminal background, and drug test prior to beginning employment.

Sample Schedule

Campers will be participating in a variety of activities every day and our schedule is always changing. You can use this sample schedule to prepare your camper for their camp experience, but this is not a guarantee of what they will do during the day.

We encourage our caregivers to frequently visit the Waldo app for photos from the camp day as a foundation to encourage discussion and stories from your camper’s experience.

Sample Camp Day Schedule

What will my camper learn this week?
While all our campers will visit all our animal exhibits, each age group will have different learning objectives to meet the camp’s specific theme. Our counselors will facilitate learning through informative interpretation, hands on labs, activities, art, exclusive experiences, & games.

Health & Safety

Behavior Guidelines

Upon arrival to the program, counselors will review examples of acceptable and unacceptable behavior and campers are expected to adhere to these guidelines. If a behavior problem arises, counselors will first discuss the problem with the individual. If the problem continues, the camper may forfeit participation in future program activities. If the problems are severe, the parent will be contacted to discuss the issue. Finally, if the problem is not rectified, the parents are responsible for returning to the park to check-out the camper from the program and a refund will not be issued.

Campers are expected to the following rules at camp:

  1. Be Kind
  2. Be Safe (follow all camp rules)
  3. Be Responsible
  4. Have Fun!

Your camper’s counselors may wish to discuss your camper’s behavior during the day (positive and negative) at check out. Please help us in enforcing all camp rules and let us know if there is anything we can do to help your campers be the best they can be while at camp.


All medication (prescription, nonprescription and over the counter) must be checked in by the camp counselor upon arrival at camp each day.

Medications must be in the original packaging that identifies the prescribing physician, name of medication, dosage, and frequency of administration.

Only medication listed on the Health History forms will be administered during camp hours. Medications will be kept in a locked area and administered only by camp Leadership, unless it is an emergency medication. Medication should be picked up from your child’s camp counselor daily, unless you have requested us to keep it at camp for the week.

To assist our camp counselors and medical staff, we ask that all medication be placed in a zip sealed plastic sandwich bag, labeled using a permanent marker with your camper’s name.

While at camp, campers may experience certain general ailments such as headaches, upset stomach, menstrual cramps, cuts, or scrapes, etc. If your child commonly experiences ailments that require the use of an OTC medication, they should be sent with your camper and checked-in as indicated in the policies above.

Any medications found that are not checked in with Camp Zoofari as indicated in this policy will be collected by leadership, who will then contact the parent or guardian for confirmation and permission to administer at camp. In the event of such instances, the parent or guardian will be required to complete a medication dispensing form and release upon arrival to check-out.

Please contact us if you have questions regarding prescription or OTC Medications.

Guardian Notification

It is our policy to keep the parents or guardians of our campers informed of campers’ health concerns and behavior during their child’s camp experience.

Camp Zoofari Staff will notify you for the following health reasons:

  • Any minor injury requiring more than a small adhesive bandage.
  • Any illness including nausea or vomiting.
  • Any illness or injury resulting in Camp Staff transporting the camper to a doctor’s office, clinic, or hospital emergency room.
  • Restroom accidents requiring a change of clothes, or caregiver assistance.

Camp Zoofari staff will also notify parents or guardians in case of behavioral or social problems while at camp.

Some of these behavioral concerns might include:

  • Repeatedly not following camp rules & regulations.
  • Any behavior that endangers or harms any other camper, staff member, guest, or animal.
  • Behavioral or disciplinary problems for which the camper has been pulled aside and counseled by the counselor, Camp Supervisor, or Camp Manager.

We will contact the parent or guardian by phone, in the presence of the camper, to discuss the situation and conditions for remaining in camp or arrangements for ending the camp experience.

In the event of an emergency or other situation that may impact the camp experience, a member of the Camp Leadership team will contact you via phone. If you cannot be reached, the person listed as the emergency contact will be notified.

Weather Emergencies

Camp leadership and counselors balance the components of the program with the current weather conditions. Weather conditions are monitored closely by our Ranger team. The enjoyment of zoo elements is contingent upon the proximity and nature of weather factors such as lightning or high winds. Rain and afternoon thunderstorms are common in Texas and may affect some camp activities. In the event of lightning or tornado warnings in the immediate vicinity, campers will be moved to the closest indoor location until the threat has passed. Indoor activities are planned if thunderstorms prevail.

Our Zoo observes strict weather protocols. When lightning has been spotted within 1 mile of our Zoo, for everyone’s safety, guests and team members are required to seek shelter. Once the weather passes, we can resume activities. Camp dismissal may proceed as normal during inclement weather but be advised that campers’ arrival at the pick-up area may be delayed. You are welcome to wait until the inclement weather passes before proceeding to the pick-up area as dismissal will be extended to ensure everyone’s safety.

During more severe weather or weather that may impact the entire camp day, camp management will decide about canceling a camp on a case-by-case basis. Once camp is canceled, it cannot be rescheduled for the original date even if the weather clears or other factors change. Caregivers will be contacted in a timely manner should such an event occur. Camp is not canceled for rain. In the event of dangerous weather (i.e. hurricane) we will notify you the day before about camp closure.


What time can I drop my child off in the morning?

You may drop your camper off between 8:45 a.m. and 9:15 a.m. Camp Check-In will not be facilitated before this time. If you arrive after 9:15 a.m., please contact our education office at 713-533-6739 or text the camp cell phone and a member of the team will escort your child to their group.

What does my child need for camp each day?

Any items needed for camp activities will be provided by Camp Zoofari. For your child to have a successful day at camp, please ensure they arrive prepared. Campers should have a healthy breakfast before arrival. Additionally, campers should bring lunch, reusable water bottles, wear their camp T-shirt, be dressed appropriately for the weather, and have close-toed shoes on. Camp T-shirts will be passed out on a camper’s first day of camp.

Can my child stay in the zoo unattended after camp?

Zoo admission is not included in the price of camp. Campers can only re-enter the Zoo with a parent or guardian, and must pay full admission, or hold a valid membership.

Whom do I contact if my child is going to be late, or misses a day of camp?

If your child will be late or absent, please call the Education office at 713-533-6739 or text the camp cell phone. Refunds are not given for partial or missed days.

What do I need to do if somebody else is going to pick up my child from camp?

If someone else is picking up your camper in the afternoon, they must provide a photo ID that matches the name and license number of a designated pick-up person on the camper’s paperwork. If we have any concerns, the camp supervisor will contact the parent/guardian for instructions before releasing a child. Please call or text the education office at 713.533.6739 to discuss any changes to who is picking up your child.

What should I do if I am picking up someone else’s child?

You and the child’s parents should plan to include your information on the camper’s registration forms. At pick up, you will be required to show a photo ID that matches the name on the child’s confirmation paperwork.

Do campers have to participate in all activities?

We design events to be enjoyable, however we realize that sometimes the schedule includes something new for some participants. Everyone is encouraged to participate to the best of their ability during group activities, but participation is up to the discretion of the camper and alternative opportunities may or may not be available. Campers may be asked to sit out of activities for failure to follow Camp Rules; parents will be notified of these situations.

Are there any health concerns for which my child may be sent home?

Head lice, impetigo, and ringworm are common childhood infections that are highly contagious. If camp leadership staff identifies that your child is infected, we may be forced to send him or her home. Please evaluate any open wounds or irritations before sending your camper, to avoid any inconvenience or disappointment.

When does my child get their T-shirt?

Campers receive their T-shirt during check-in on the first day of camp. Additional T-shirts are available for purchase during your child’s camp week for $20 each.

Does my child need to bring any money?

Campers are provided with everything needed during their day at camp. There will be no time to shop, so please do not send your child to camp with money. Camp Zoofari is not responsible for lost money or valuables. Campers will not be allowed to purchase food or drinks from snack stands or restaurants, they will need to bring their own lunch.