New Male Bornean Orangutan at the Houston Zoo
Meet Pumpkin! This 31-year-old, Bornean orangutan recently made his public debut in the orangutan habitat at the Houston Zoo after moving to the Bayou City from Jackson, Mississippi late last year. Pumpkin is noticeably larger than the four female orangutans, and fluffier than Rudi, the other male orangutan. Where Rudi is distinctive for his wide cheekpads and massive dreadlocks, Pumpkin’s cheekpads angle forward and he has a smoother looking coat. Since orangutans are mostly solitary animals, guests will find Pumpkin alternating time in the yard with his fellow orangutans.
Bornean orangutans are one of the most endangered apes in the world due to deforestation devastating their wild habitats. The Houston Zoo is helping orangutans in the wild along with conservation partner, Hutan’s Kinabatangan Orangutan Conservation Project (KOCP). Texans can help save orangutans in the wild by shopping smart, and only buying from companies that support sustainable palm oil practices, and by simply visiting the Houston Zoo. A portion of every ticket to the Houston Zoo goes to help save animals in the wild.